José Parlá以及Futura在倫敦相遇的專訪由SWEETH辛苦翻譯給大家摟,
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Futura and José Parlá exhibited in London recently for their Pirate Utopias show at Elms Lesters Painting Rooms. It was a mixed media affair, featuring lots of new pieces, along with some good old classics we’ve come to know and love. We caught up with two old friends of Beinghunted, Futura and José in the afternoon before the launch, to find out how they were doing, and what the exhibition was all about.
Futura與José Parlá,最近在倫敦Elms Lesters Painting Rooms舉行Pirate Utopias展覽。這次一次複合媒體的盛事結合了許多令人十分熟識並且喜愛的經典歷史名作。我們與兩位Beinghunted的老朋友在一個飯後的下午碰了面,想要問問他們最近好嗎?以及這個展覽的相關詳細資訊。
José, What does Pirate Utopias mean?
José,請問Pirate Utopias的意思是?
It describes the action of us claiming an independence from the academic world of trained art, as we come from a different source. We favour our own school, as we come from our own autonomous area. Futura laid a path for us as independent artists, and we are grateful for that.
Pirate Utopias陳述了我們對於想要獨立於充滿死板理論的傳統藝術世界的渴求,就像我們出身不同地方,卻一樣熱愛自己的母校,我們來自於充滿自主性的領域,而Futura帶領著我們走向獨立藝術家的一條道路,重點是我們對此十分感恩!
Could you tell us what 'Urban Archaeology' is?
你可以告訴我們什麼是:'Urban Archaeology'(都市考古學)嗎?
Well, I look at the city (NYC), it's deterioration, and collect old torn posters, remnants from disused buildings as urban anthropology - then use them in my paintings. If you look at my latest piece 'Temporary Autonomous Zone', I have ripped pages out of UK newspapers, which refer to the terror incidents over the past few weeks.
嗯...我望著城市(紐約NYC),它正在頹敗退化當中,充滿了老舊殘破的海報遺跡,廢棄的建築物遺跡就像都市人類學的考古環境一樣.然後我利用這些元素融合在我的作品當中,如果你有看過我最近的一個作品:'Temporary Autonomous Zone'(臨時自主區域),我使用了撕破的英國報紙,上面滿是最近幾個禮拜令人可怖的意外案件...
Is there anything specific you're going to check out whilst you're in London ?
I'm definitely going to the Royal Academy of Art, and to check out the Rei Kawakubo exhibition at Dover Street Market.
我絕對要去皇家藝術學院(Royal Academy of Art),還有Rei Kawakuboy(http://www.infomat.com/whoswho/reikawakubo.html)在 Dover Street Market(http://www.doverstreetmarket.com/)的展覽!
Do you think Brooklyn, and other boroughs in NYC are becoming too expensive for young artists to come and live, and work in?
I don't think it has stopped the creative flow, and there's always borough's that are affordable, especially if artists share space, which they often do. Artists will always find new places to go, and the real estate agents are always looking to where they are going too!
What do you like about Europe ?
I like the rich history, and discovering the past, in terms of art; actually I used to live in Hackney (East London) for a while which was a great experience.
Futura http://www.futura2000.com/
How did you meet José, and when?
We met in Tokyo about five years ago, and the first thing I was impressed with José was his unique writing style, as it was based in calligraphy. You get a feeling when you see someone's writing style, that they are telling a story, and his had influences of Asia , Arabic, and some sort of mysticism.
What artists do you currently rate on the scene?
You know what I'm a bit of a hermit! I used to go to all the parties and exhibitions, but I'm getting a bit to old for that now, I'm no longer a social butterfly!
What other projects are you working on at the moment?
Well, one I'm really proud of is a set of snowboards for Burton , as part of the Vapors Series. They are for the rider Keir Dillon (at this point Stash came over and showed us some pictures on his PDA, very nice!).
嗯,有一個是我十分自豪的與Burton的Keir Dillon 選手合作Vapors系列雪板企劃。(這時候Stash跑過來讓我們看了一些在PDA裡面的圖像,棒呆了!)
Is Berlin the new New York ?
That's what I hear, and I'm coming back very soon!
Do you prefer New York now, or did you prefer it more in the 70s?
Well, there is this romanticism about New York in the 70s, as you could do what you wanted to, but it was tough. The new New York is a police state, but these are the times we live in; I still love it there, it's still a village to me.
What subjects excite and upset you at the moment?
Excite me? That would be films, like 'American Gangster', and the new 'Transformers' movies. The thing that really upsets me is the conflict in the world - I'm old enough to remember the Vietnam War - what have we learnt?
令我興奮?可能是電影吧,像是'美國黑幫'(American Gangster),還有新的變形金剛電影('Transformers')。而真的令我失望的是這個世界的鬥爭與衝突,我年紀大到還記得越戰,我們學到了什麼?
Thanks so much, and great to see you again Lenny the show looks great! Check the pictures, but more importantly make the effort to go to this show, because seeing them in the flesh is quite an experience.