畫面上這款涼鞋是由設計師Phillip Lim與TATAMI共同聯名的作品,
這次結合Phillip Lim的品牌3.1 phillip lim推出相關商品,
Tatami partners with acclaimed designer Phillip Lim on Men's and Women's Sandal Collaboration for Spring 2008
New York, NY (June 19, 2007) Tatami, the German shoe company known for combining comfort and fashion, teams up with one of fashion's brightest stars, Phillip Lim, on 13 women's styles and 7 men's styles of sandals set to debut for Spring 2008. Incorporating Lim's sense of cool sophistication and strong attention to detail, the 3.1 phillip lim for Tatami collection will feature the classic deep footbed that embodies Tatami's 230 years of shoe making.
"In footwear, Tatami stands for high quality, comfort and fashion. Together with Phillip Lim, we are a perfect team", says Tatami Managing Director, Andreas Wolf.
Phillip Lim infused his sense of understated elegance and subtle nuances into the sandal designs to create the perfect amount of "unfashionability" to make the collection fashionable. By incorporating colors and inspirations from his spring ´08 ready to wear into the 3.1 phillip lim for Tatami collection, they are in perfect harmony with eponymous label or worn on their own.
Phillip Lim says, "Tatami and 3.1 phillip lim are a great pair. I′ve always worn this type of sandal growing up, so they have always been part of my life. I love the fact that they are comfortable, easy, classic and extremely versatile to all occasions. They are like the "white t-shirt"...perfectly designed.??
The 3.1 phillip lim for Tatami collection creates a duality people can relate to by unifying signature traits from each of the brands. Using the classic Tatami footbed, individual and intelligent silhouettes are constructed using refined, but luxurious materials including black patent leather, cheetah printed pony fur, scarlet red suede and polenta yellow leather.
The 3.1 phillip lim for Tatami will be available at the Birkenstock in Covent Garden, London and through www.birkenstock.co.uk.
關於設計師Phillip Lim:
2007紐約春夏時裝周的某天清晨,《Vogue》美國版主編Anna Wintour的助理把菲利林(Phillip Lim)叫醒,說Anna要看衣服,之後這位時尚界的武則天說“Phillip不要擔心,你會成功的,而且我們會有很好的報道。此外,以後要撬走秀名模,打給我,我會幫你搞定。”33歲的華裔設計師菲利林(Phillip Lim)要暴紅了。Phillip的父親是廣東人,母親是海南人,全家在Phillip一歲時移民美國。Phillip從做裁縫的母親那裡承繼對服裝的敏感。他的設計已深得卡梅隆.迪亞茲(Cameron Diaz)和妮可.裡奇(Nicole Richie)的追捧。3.1 Phillip Lim則即將書寫衣紅人也紅的品牌歷史了。他剪裁利落,服裝修身效果奇佳;他裝飾能力強,白玫瑰成為他的標誌。《Vogue》英國版用“the new Chloe”形容3.1 Phillip Lim。但這頭銜令Philip Lim百感交集,哪有設計師願意成為別人的翻版,即使是不朽的Chloe的翻版。其實,Philip Lim的修身長褲、短夾克搭高腰繭形小洋裝,以及清爽條紋的運用,是多了一份中性的灑脫的,更體現出美國女孩的悠閒美。