Not only did Steve and the whole Sole Collector crew put together a great event in Vegas last weekend, a great shoe was released to the lucky few.
These shoes were made available for sale only to the first 400 people to line up for a price of $150. The first person in line showed up almost a week before the wristbands were given out for the shoes!
These shoes are hands down the greatest Sole Collector x Nike ID shoes. These Dunk highs feature a white croc skin around most of the shoe with a patent leather white swoosh. The material covering most of the upper is a 3M material that lights up to show different images reflecting the history of sneaker culture.
使用鱷魚皮押紋 3M反光材質 白灰配色 底部用酒紅色搭配粉紅色
好鞋一雙 不論搭配性如何 創意已經非常棒了